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- and Koppes (2019) have sketched a scenario showing the how the thinning and retreat of the Tyndall Glacier over the last 35 years has led to debuttressing of the slope which failed in 2015, a...Williams and Koppes (2019) have sketched a scenario showing the how the thinning and retreat of the Tyndall Glacier over the last 35 years has led to debuttressing of the slope which failed in 2015, and also how the retreat of the glacier has changed the relationship between the tributary valleys and the main valley (now the Taan Fjord) leading to increased erosion of the sides of the fjord and accumulation of sediments within the fjord (Figure 15.2.6).
- author is grateful to the following teaching faculty at various colleges and universities in British Columbia who supported this project and provided chapter reviews of Environmental Geology: Tim ...The author is grateful to the following teaching faculty at various colleges and universities in British Columbia who supported this project and provided chapter reviews of Environmental Geology: Tim Stokes, Natalie Bursztyn, Deirdre Hopkins, Jerome Lesemann, Gordon Weary, Mark Smith, Derek Turner, Todd Redding, and Craig Nichol, and also to Verena Roberts and Dani Collins of Thompson Rivers University for pedagogical, design, technical and editorial assistance.
- and gravel represent, the greatest volume of mined material on Earth, at around 50 billion tonnes/year, which is 20 times as much as iron . The best types of sand and gravel resources are those t...Sand and gravel represent, the greatest volume of mined material on Earth, at around 50 billion tonnes/year, which is 20 times as much as iron . The best types of sand and gravel resources are those that have been sorted by streams, and in many regions of Canada and the northern USA (and elsewhere) the most abundant and accessible fluvial deposits are associated with glaciation.
- addition to the far north, central and eastern Europe and the Arabian Peninsula have seen very strong warming, and there has also been strong warming in the rest of Europe, northern China, much of ...In addition to the far north, central and eastern Europe and the Arabian Peninsula have seen very strong warming, and there has also been strong warming in the rest of Europe, northern China, much of Africa, Brazil, the southeastern USA and eastern Australia. The failure can be linked to the overall increase in precipitation in the region, and also to a particularly high level of rainfall in the weeks before the event.
- of water into the ground is one of the keys to reducing flood potential, but most of what we do in urban areas results in hardened surfaces that prevent infiltration. Why do the wing dyke...Infiltration of water into the ground is one of the keys to reducing flood potential, but most of what we do in urban areas results in hardened surfaces that prevent infiltration. Why do the wing dykes on the Mississippi River increase the risk of flooding in upstream areas, and why to the levees (dykes along the sides of the river) increase the risk of flooding in downstream areas?
- shown on Figure 4.5.2, the total glacial ice loss (from all of the world’s major ice sheets and alpine glaciers) has been several hundred Gt/y (giga-tonnes per year) for most of the past three deca...As shown on Figure 4.5.2, the total glacial ice loss (from all of the world’s major ice sheets and alpine glaciers) has been several hundred Gt/y (giga-tonnes per year) for most of the past three decades, and, as the climate has continued to warm, that rate has increased.
- everything else in geology, karst is part of the Earth system, and it has some unique attributes, such as the link between the atmosphere and the hydrosphere that contributes to the dissolution o...Like everything else in geology, karst is part of the Earth system, and it has some unique attributes, such as the link between the atmosphere and the hydrosphere that contributes to the dissolution of limestone, and the nature of caves as ecosystems. According to the prevailing theory of limestone karst genesis, does the original development of cave conduits take place in the vadose zone, near to the boundary between the phreatic and vadose zones, or deeper in the phreatic zone?
- Section 11.1 we focused on the volume of water available, and argued that it is acceptable for water to be diverted from the water cycle for human use, as long as it does not adversely affect the r...In Section 11.1 we focused on the volume of water available, and argued that it is acceptable for water to be diverted from the water cycle for human use, as long as it does not adversely affect the rest of the hydrologic cycle. A sodium-chloride brine is periodically passed through the system, and because of the overwhelming amount of sodium in the solution, the calcium and magnesium ions on the exchange sites are replaced by sodium ions, thus “recharging” the ion exchange resin.
- the vadose zone most of the water flow is vertical, while in the phreatic zone most of the flow is sub-horizontal and along conduits. (The upper most part of the phreatic zone is known as the epiph...In the vadose zone most of the water flow is vertical, while in the phreatic zone most of the flow is sub-horizontal and along conduits. (The upper most part of the phreatic zone is known as the epiphreatic zone (where vadose waters meet phreatic) and is generally regarded as the site of greatest dissolution and conduit/cave development.
- contribution of geothermal to total electricity production is important in some countries, especially in Iceland, where 30% of electricity is generated by geothermal (with most of the rest coming ...The contribution of geothermal to total electricity production is important in some countries, especially in Iceland, where 30% of electricity is generated by geothermal (with most of the rest coming from hydro), and also the Philippines, at 27%, and El Salvador at 25%. In Costa Rica, Kenya and Nicaragua and New Zealand geothermal makes up 14, 11, 10 and 10% of electrical energy.