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- perfect markets for regular goods, goods are produced at the point where the cost to society of producing the last unit, the marginal cost, is just equal to the amount a consumer is willing to pay ...In perfect markets for regular goods, goods are produced at the point where the cost to society of producing the last unit, the marginal cost, is just equal to the amount a consumer is willing to pay for that last unit, the marginal benefit, which means that the net benefits in the market are maximized.
- values of strain rate in the first few microseconds of an impact may be of the order of 10 8 s ‑1 . (Contrast the strain rates during an earthquake, typically 0.1 to 10 s -1 . By comparison, t...Typical values of strain rate in the first few microseconds of an impact may be of the order of 10 8 s ‑1 . (Contrast the strain rates during an earthquake, typically 0.1 to 10 s -1 . By comparison, time-averaged strain rates in orogens due to plate movement are typically 10 ‑15 to 10 ‑12 per second.) The inside of the rim of a complex crater typically shows a series of internal terraces, and the outside of the rim may also have concentric ridges and valleys.
- convergence of the concepts of integrated control and pest management, and the ultimate synthesis into integrated pest management, opened a new era in the protection of agricultural crops, domesti...The convergence of the concepts of integrated control and pest management, and the ultimate synthesis into integrated pest management, opened a new era in the protection of agricultural crops, domestic animals, stored products, public health, and the structure of human dwellings against the attack of arthropod pests, plant and animal diseases, and weeds.
- toxicology is the scientific study of the health effects associated with exposure to toxic chemicals and systems occurring in the natural, work, and living environments; the management o...Environmental toxicology is the scientific study of the health effects associated with exposure to toxic chemicals and systems occurring in the natural, work, and living environments; the management of environmental toxins and toxicity; and the development of protections for humans, animals, and plants (Table below).
- ultimate purpose of ecological soil management is to create a healthy habitat belowground, with good soil structure, thriving and diverse soil organisms, and nutrients in sufficient supply for hig...The ultimate purpose of ecological soil management is to create a healthy habitat belowground, with good soil structure, thriving and diverse soil organisms, and nutrients in sufficient supply for high crop yields while not in excess and, as a result, causing off-site pollution.
- soil testing may not be needed every time you sample the field—it is an expensive and time-consuming effort—but it is recommended to evaluate site-specific nutrient levels in larger fields at lea...Grid soil testing may not be needed every time you sample the field—it is an expensive and time-consuming effort—but it is recommended to evaluate site-specific nutrient levels in larger fields at least once in a rotation, each time lime may be needed, or every five to eight years.
-, these practices still may not prevent compacted soils unless specific steps are taken to reduce the impact of heavy loads from field equipment and inappropriately timed field operations. The ...However, these practices still may not prevent compacted soils unless specific steps are taken to reduce the impact of heavy loads from field equipment and inappropriately timed field operations. The causes of compaction were discussed in Chapter 6, and in this chapter we discuss strategies to prevent and lessen soil compaction. One study in the Upper Midwest estimated a median 21% yield reduction for corn and soybeans on lands that experienced deep wheel traffic compaction at harvest.
-… generally, the type of soil management that gives the greatest immediate return leads to a deterioration of soil productivity, whereas the type that provides the highest income over the period of a ...… generally, the type of soil management that gives the greatest immediate return leads to a deterioration of soil productivity, whereas the type that provides the highest income over the period of a generation leads to the maintenance or improvement of productivity.
- the Hebrew Bible, the name given to the first man, Adam, is the masculine version of the word “earth” or “soil” (adama). Aside from when we eat fish and other aquatic organisms, we obtain the essen...In the Hebrew Bible, the name given to the first man, Adam, is the masculine version of the word “earth” or “soil” (adama). Aside from when we eat fish and other aquatic organisms, we obtain the essential elements in our bodies, such as the calcium and phosphorus in our bones and teeth, the nitrogen in our proteins, the iron in our red blood cells, and so on, all by directly or indirectly consuming plants that took these from the soil.
- a soil’s pH is low, indicating that it is acid, one of the common ways to determine the amount of lime to be applied is to place a sample of soil in a chemical buffer and measure the amount the aci...If a soil’s pH is low, indicating that it is acid, one of the common ways to determine the amount of lime to be applied is to place a sample of soil in a chemical buffer and measure the amount the acid soil is able to depress the buffer’s pH. Keep in mind that this is different from the soil’s pH, which indicates whether liming is needed. The degree of change of the buffer’s pH is an indication of how much lime needs to be applied to raise the soil pH to the desired level.
- could happen if the soil test is not well calibrated for the particular soil in question (and because the soil had sufficient availability of the nutrient for the crop despite the low test level)...This could happen if the soil test is not well calibrated for the particular soil in question (and because the soil had sufficient availability of the nutrient for the crop despite the low test level) or because of harm caused by poor drainage or compaction. But until the multi-year effort of correlating a proposed test with plant response is made on a variety of soil and under various weather conditions, it is not possible to know if the test is useful or not.