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  • https://geo.libretexts.org/Courses/Sierra_College/Introduction_to_Oceanography_(Sierra_College_Edition)/12%3A_Ocean_Sediments/12.03%3A_Biogenous_Sediments
    It is the “hard parts” of the organisms that contribute to the sediments; things like shells, teeth or skeletal elements, as these parts are usually mineralized and are more resistant to decomposition...It is the “hard parts” of the organisms that contribute to the sediments; things like shells, teeth or skeletal elements, as these parts are usually mineralized and are more resistant to decomposition than the fleshy “soft parts” that rapidly deteriorate after death.
  • https://geo.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Oceanography/Introduction_to_Oceanography_(Webb)/12%3A_Ocean_Sediments/12.03%3A_Biogenous_Sediments
    It is the “hard parts” of the organisms that contribute to the sediments; things like shells, teeth or skeletal elements, as these parts are usually mineralized and are more resistant to decomposition...It is the “hard parts” of the organisms that contribute to the sediments; things like shells, teeth or skeletal elements, as these parts are usually mineralized and are more resistant to decomposition than the fleshy “soft parts” that rapidly deteriorate after death.
  • https://geo.libretexts.org/Courses/Diablo_Valley_College/OCEAN-101%3A_Fundamentals_of_Oceanography_(Keddy)/07%3A_Ocean_Sediments/7.03%3A_Biogenous_Sediments
    It is the “hard parts” of the organisms that contribute to the sediments; things like shells, teeth or skeletal elements, as these parts are usually mineralized and are more resistant to decomposition...It is the “hard parts” of the organisms that contribute to the sediments; things like shells, teeth or skeletal elements, as these parts are usually mineralized and are more resistant to decomposition than the fleshy “soft parts” that rapidly deteriorate after death.
  • https://geo.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Geography_(Physical)/BioGeoChemistry_(LibreTexts)/09%3A_The_Oceans/9.05%3A_Biogeochemistry_in_ocean_sediments/9.5.04%3A_Biogenous_Sediments
    It is the “hard parts” of the organisms that contribute to the sediments; things like shells, teeth or skeletal elements, as these parts are usually mineralized and are more resistant to decomposition...It is the “hard parts” of the organisms that contribute to the sediments; things like shells, teeth or skeletal elements, as these parts are usually mineralized and are more resistant to decomposition than the fleshy “soft parts” that rapidly deteriorate after death.

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